We were so happy to announce when MFA alum Rebecca Suzuki was the most recent winner of the Loose Translations Award from Hanging Loose Press, which publishes one work of translation each year. We’re doubly excited to tell you about the buzz surrounding the upcoming publication of this hybrid volume of poetry, especially since another MFA alum, Jay Boss Rubin (an emerging but respected translator in their own right) has written a glowing, in-depth review of When My Mother Is Most Beautiful for Asymptote!

Jay delivers insights into this work as only a fellow translator could, highlighting issues of translation and culture that will speak to our multicultural nation. To use a brief quote:
“Across the delightful hybridity, the author achieves thematic cohesion through her enthusiastic embrace of multilingualism. From the first entry to the last, Suzuki demonstrates multilingualism’s ability to make more resonant questions of identity that, trapped within a single tongue, remain stifling.”
This is just one example of the supportive, inclusive community we build here at QC MFA every day!