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Spring 2023 MFA Events

Queens College Spring 2023 Literary Events

MFA Program* and Related Activities

*Monday, February 27, 7pm

zoom link tba [open to current MFA students]

Author, editor, and Deputy Director at Poetry Society of America Brett Fletcher-Lauer speaks about their chapbook contest.

*Tues March 7, 5pm,

in person Klapper 710 [open to current mfa students]

John Weir micro-event

*Tues March 7, 8pm

zoom link tba [open to current MFA students]

New York editor visits Crystal Hana Kim’s Fiction Workshop and speaks about the editorial process.

Saturday, March 11, 8pm

in person Kupferberg Center for the Arts (tickets on KCA website; free for students)Ira Glass, Seven Things I’ve Learned: An Evening with Ira Glass

Ira Jeffrey Glass is an American public radio personality. He is the host and producer of the radio and television series This American Life and has participated in other NPR programs, including Morning Edition, All Things Considered, and Talk of the Nation.

*Wednesday, March 15, 7pm

in person Klapper 710

Hanging Loose Press launch of Ellis Ging translation of Alfonso Sastre’s book:

“The Cells of Terrorconsists of twenty-four stories, all very short, scientifically formulated, about the cells that are the origin of terror—which is to say, about a few of the key situations that sow in the hearts of human beings the monstrous seed of terror. As told by a variety of narrators whose perspective is both unflinching and darkly humorous, these tales encompass the visceral, the metaphysical, and the political in horror.”

*Thursday, April 20, 7pm

zoom link tba

MFA alum speak about life post-MFA

speakers tba

Wednesday, April 19 

details tba

Arun Venugopal, WNYC—Journalist-in-Residence at QC–speaks about audio storytelling. 

*Wednesday, April 19, 7pm 

in person Godwin Ternbach Museum, Klapper Hall

Brian Turner–poet, memoirist, and activist–reads from his latest collections of poetry that draw from travels and social projects over the last six years. Each collection is, in its own way, an expanded exploration of grief and memory on a personal and global scale. “As a war poet, [Brian Turner] sidesteps the classic distinction between romance and irony, opting instead for the surreal.” The New York Times Book Review

*Monday, April 24, 7pm

in person Rosenthal Library, Tanenbaum Room 300i

Ghostbird Press launch of Joe Gross chapbook Lest We All Get Clipped.

“A collection of poems that seek our innate divinity through both ecclesiastical and (extra)ordinary experience.”

Friday, April 28, 12–1pm

zoom (information on AAARI website)

AAARI Reads Book Club our virtual Book Club (Asian Amerian/Asian Research Institute)

The inaugural selection is Rajiv Mohabir’s Antiman: A Hybrid Memoir, described as “an experimental genre-blending exploration of the ways that race, sexuality, gender, and diasporic culture inform Mohabir’s experiences as a queer immigrant Indo-Guyanese poet.”

*Saturday in May

date, time, location tba 

LAHM event: Spring 2023 MFA resident writers read from their original work prompted by the Louis Armstrong Archives.

*Thursday, June 1, time tba

in person Godwin Ternbach Museum, Klapper Hall

Graduation Reading